(alternate title: "The longest 3.5 hours of my life"
So today was the day. At 7:30 the bus arrived to pick up Jake. It was a similar experience to the first time he rode the bus last week. Except this time he didn't go around the block and come back. This time the bus kept going. I was shaking in my shoes when they drove away.
I'm not an overprotective mother. I am an attached mother, however and after the last experience, anyone would be nervouse. You see, last year I attempted to put Jake in a preschool program at a local church. Many days he would cry so hard that he would shut down, literally going to sleep (or unconcious) and would be laying on the floor when I had to go pick him up. He usually couldn't be roused and would sleep on the way home as well. He cried hysterically any time you mentioned school.
So I spent the longest 3.5 hours of my life waiting for the bus, and was nearly glued to the window at 11 AM. The bus doors opened and a smiling Jake appeared. He's very tired, and is resting in his room, but I am confident that today was a success. Here's what his teachers wrote in his book.
Jake was SO excited when he got off the bus today.
(then from the speech therapist)
Jake did so well today. He used a lot of words to express himself. He told me he needed help drawing and labeled his drawings. Very good first day. Amber.
(then from his teacher again)
Jake has done really well. He loved painting. He ate some crackers and drank some orange juice at snack. You can also send a snack if you want. Jake got very excited when we went to the playground. He did seem pretty tired after a busy morning and was happy to see and ride the bus again. Kathy.
Oh wow, I am SO relieved. The absolute KEY to making sure that school would work out was a good first day. You just can't believe how super proud I am of my amazing smart little guy.
Over his spaghetti lunch I asked Jake "Did you have fun at school?" He said "Go school, ride bus." and smiled
Watch how excited he was to get on the bus.