Sunday, May 31, 2009

He's Four

Jake turned four years old yesterday. We pretty much did whatever he wanted all day, all along assuring him that we were having a real party next weekend. When we asked him what he wanted for his birthday he says "Party, cake, friends, music!" So we are having a mini-festival and hiring a bluegrass band. I think that qualifies.

Manny's MRI is Tuesday morning first thing. I am spending tomorrow getting the house and other things in order in case something crazy happens and we end up living at the hospital for a year. You never know. People keep asking me what I think it is... and I have no idea. I guess I almost hope that they find some "fixable" thing. I honestly would take that over "nothing".... meaning that he is just going to have these problems for a long time. I know that toddlers get bumps and bruises, but he falls so much that I'm beginning to get a lot more protective than I have been in the past. I'm really afraid that he'll hurt himself.

I will write about the outcome as soon as I can.