My attitude has greatly improved after a weekend with friends and family. Especially yesterday at the market. So many family members and friends have shown up to the Market to visit, even on cold rainy days like yesterday, knowing how important it is to me. I can't believe the support that I've gotten from everybody in this endeavor. Its been hard work, and honestly, I'm looking forward to the end, but I still have next Sunday and the 2 day holiday market the first weekend in December, and even more family have promised to attend and show support, so I'm looking forward to that. The management must like me too, because I was the 'featured seller' in the Market bulletin, and my bags were featured on a "This 'n That" segment Friday at noon on Channel 9!
Manny's MRI is rescheduled for 3 weeks from now. Thursday his OT from BCW came by, and, giving the fact that I still hadn't stopped crying from my mental breakdown on Wednesday, I completely forgot, and Manny was asleep when she showed up, making for a miserable OT appointment. I explained, and promised to be more prepared during the next session. Manny is still attending the pre-school 2 days per week and is doing really well. The teachers seem happy to have him, and he doesn't cry and plays well when he is there.
Jake is doing wonderfully, both in school and at home. We had another meeting last week to discuss him getting occupational therapy at school. The OT denied him saying that the sort of OT that he needs (deep pressure, sensory, balance, etc) isn't the kind of therapy that she's comfortable giving saying "You know how people are these days, they might not understand seeing me roll a child in a run and giving them deep pressure." Ugh, so... you aren't comfortable doing your job. I will continue to do what I can to meet his needs in that respect at home, and more than likely we will pay out-of-pocket again this summer to go see Cindy at Tips.
I'm off to start a new week. I'm hoping that the Thanksgiving shopping rush includes my store this year. I was desperately hoping for a couple of hours of childcare for Manny this morning, but Mamaw just returned from a 2 week stay at my Aunt's house. She seems to be doing well, but sounded tired yesterday when I spoke to her so I didn't ask. My goal today, even with Manny's help, is to do inventory and get my shop in order for the upcoming (*hopefully*) shopping rush, finish some orders that have become a bit late, ship everything that needs shipping, take pictures, and put up listings. In other words, I need to get rid of this sinking feeling that I'm falling further and further behind. Off to get started!