I suppose I may end up changing the name of this blog to "our sons" or "Manny and Jake."
Manny went with us to OT today since Lacy has the flu and had to cancel. I was actually hoping that he would and planning for it and threw some sort of weird tantrum when Steve said that he would watch Manny while he took Jake. I'm really just completely out of sorts the past few days and probably very hard to talk to for just about anyone, not to mention hard to live with for my family.
Jake has gone from acting amazingly "normal" for several months to being the stimming, withdrawn child that I knew before the holidays. Many of the behaviors that I thought had disappeared have returned, which has again seemed to render OT sessions useless as being "for him" and more of a counseling and brainstorming session for Cindy and I. Because of this (well, I was probably going to do it anyway) I mentioned Manny's lack of speech to Cindy. She wanted to see him.
Her assessment was a summary of what I've been feeling. His low tone and lack of physical skills are beginning to border on "delayed." He does not stay "with you" on interactions as long as you like, and the screeching and screaming during interactions does seem to be a response to frustration at not being able to speak in any basic manner. The loss of speech is definitely a red flag, as is some of his behaviors such as putting his hand on my hand and manipulating it in order to get me to perform a task. She seems just as concerned as I do, or at least thats what I got, and said that there isn't much that we can do about it at this point except to file away this info in case we need it later and try to do activities to get him back. She gave me a Developmental profile to fill out that she will score. She highly suggested that Steve and I fill it out together as well. The particular profile that she gave me, when scored, will give her information and activities to print out for me.
I honestly just don't know how I feel right now. As I type I just shoved the Dev. profile under some other things on my desk so that I can't see it because at this moment its physically painful to look at. I want to say something positive like "we'll just take it one day at a time" but I'm not feeling that right now. I could be brutally honest, but I'm even too tired to do that.