For those who are asking for updates and wondering if I've "quit my blog"... please understand that its summer. I had NO idea how challenging that this time of the year was going to be. Its a frenzy of not-being-able-to-work, less-not-more childcare and fun-stuff-to-do. I can't keep up at all. Manny has hit the "almost 3year old" stage that seems to be one of the most difficult times for children with autism. He is trapped inside of himself.. and is showing his frustration constantly, and can barely be taken in public for any period of time. He is on a sleep schedule of approx 10-11 PM until 4 or 6 AM.. which is a HUGE improvement. I can't even begin to describe. I feel pity, love and repulsion.. the thoughts that go through my head plague me. My greatest fear is the future. MY GREATEST FEAR IS THE FUTURE.
Jake is going to Aquarium Camp every morning this week, so my normal schedule is turned upside down, even with the (Omg.. are you an angel from heaven?) help of my mother-in-law. The counselers aren't making me feel all that great about dumping my special needs child on them (maybe its just my perception, but they have NOTHING positive to say) but he deserves camp, he's worked VERY hard to learn to act as appropriately as he can so that he can do these things. Whew.. two days down.. three to go...
I don't talk about my children a lot on facebook.. I post about all of the crazy stuff and partying that we do, but I do post pictures and videos of our adventures, so join me there if you can. Again, I'm just completely not prepared for this time in my life, and I can't even begin to write and blog about it right now. If you are truly curious, and a member of my family or a friend within driving distance, just call and come by the house, plan us a camping trip, or give me a call to chat. I'll give you an earful, but I'm toning down the "in real life" dialoge about my children and what's going on with them. I'm learning that that will polarize people, and its lonely enough already sometimes.
The Thingamifling was a success. If you were there, I hope you had a good time.. if you weren't you missed a good time.
Goodnight, and don't expect a lot of updates until something medical happens.