The weekend visit with the Carithers family was such a wonderful reprieve. As usualy, we did a whole lot of nothing, our kids were happy just to have each other around, we were happy to have other adults around to talk to, and I was especially happy to have that knot in my stomach that tells me that if I'm having idle time, I should be downstairs sewing. We ate, drank and were merry. We went to the indian mounds in Macon and had a nice hike. I'm really really grateful to have found a close lady friend like Ariane. She's strong, upbeat and positive, and always has something good to say. Thanks for being my friend. Thank you for inviting us down and Happy Birthday Kevin. I hope you had a great one. It was the best celebration that Manny and I could have for our Birthdays as well.
After spending Sunday night recovering from what may have been a slight bug, I worked around the house a bit and sewed while Manny napped. Micaela, the special education teacher, called around noon and reminded me of an IP meeting at the school that I had completely forgotten about. The meeting was in just about an hour and a half, and I was frantic as I had not secured childcare for Manny for that day. I thought of calling Steve's mom, but she was already watching him on scheduled days this week. I called Mamaw's house and got Dad. He INSISTED that I bring Manny over, even though he was sitting with Papaw, who is slipping into a world of confusion as his life on this planet draws to a close, while Mamaw ran errands. I was grateful, and according to Dad, it went well! Thanks for saving my life Dad.
The IP meeting went well. It is a reassessment of Jake's need for special needs services, etc. His delays in speech and consistency in answering questions was discussed. Basically, he is still not "testable" since he will not answer questions on a regular basis. His social skills are lacking, of course. I was so very very proud when they completely skipped the section on behavioral problems, simply stating that Jake doesn't have any. We discussed his placement for next year, and I think what will probably happen will be that he will re-attend the exact same program next year. I see no reason to send him to kindergarten at all, he simply doesn't possess the learning skills, and the teachers agree. We're going to take it slow. Its quite possible that he won't enter 1st grade until he is 7 or 8, and that is just fine with me. The teachers there say that they love him and that he is a joy, and they seem sincere.
Manny had an appointment with Dr. Michaels today. He weighs 26 lbs! He's such a little guy, as Jake was around 26 lbs at one year old. He's fattening up and having a growth spurt. The appointment with Dr. M was simply a follow up and really a non-event and more of an organizational meeting. Since he has all of the medical reports from various doctors right there, he can tell me the next steps and instruct his staff to make the appointments for me. Its really a blessing, as my mind gets cluttered sometimes. He gave his obligatory speech on vaccinations, I declined, and he was supportive of my decisions. He was very complimentary and told me I was doing "a good job." Gosh, I hope so... I just do the best that I can.
Both of my businesses have seen an upswing in activity. I am often frustrated when I have no time to sew because my grooming business has had an unexpected boom in business. I can't actually COMPLAIN though, because money is money, right? I have a wonderful lady helping me with my sewing, and my friend Sam is showing up and learning to do odd jobs with Bratsacks, including some sewing. Today I got an email from the press contact at etsy. He was informing me that one of my items could be featured at (of Parents Magazine). If that happens, it will be HUGE. One of the largest parenting magazines in America? I am extremely excited, but trying not to get my hopes up.
I have a very understanding husband to put up with me during all of this. I am pretty much a frazzled, exhausted mess. My patience wears thin and, once he gets off from his own 40 hour (plus 8 hours of driving) job, he is given the job of watching the kids and getting them ready for bed while I either sew or work on shipping and receiving. I really really don't want to be one of "those" moms who is absent because they are obsessed with their job, but I also want to be successful and have a part in providing for my family. I honestly don't think that there's anything this man wouldn't do for his kids. I like to think that Steve and I have a good balance most of the time, and I hope he feels the same way.
The boys in my family continue to amaze and frustrate me and constantly make me crazy. I would like to say that my kids make me laugh a lot, but really, they don't. However, when they do, its good laughter. Jake had me cracking up tonight at the mexican restaurant when I told him to get the spoon off of his head. He put it on his nose, and I said "get it off of your nose" (I was starting to get frustrated) and he grinned and put it on his ear. I was totally sucked in... "get it off of your ear." "get it off of your foot" "get it off of your bellybutton." Maybe not a great lesson in table manners, but sometimes its more important to catch those moments of humor, communication and social participation.
(In the photo above, Jake wears a pair of 18 months pajama pants and an 18 months onesie jumper unsnapped, both inside out, and one fluffy shoe. He is signing "walk" and informing me that he is ready to go walk down the street)